Thursday, August 15, 2013


Gossip seems to be a way of life now days for some folks. It amazes me how individuals are so quick to speak on another’s life or situations but keep quite to their own issues. Why do people feel the need to poke at someone’s life, to claim the “If it was me” title like if it was truly you it would be any different. We as a human race cannot step outside of ourselves and take notice of what is happening in our own lives. Yet it is easy to criticize someone else’s life. It is easy to speak upon their stories with no comparison to their own. Resting assure we are all guilty of this, telling the next man’s story in our way of viewing it. But who is to tell that our viewing is even correct; especially if you are outside looking in, you will never get the story right because reading lips can only get you so far. On the other hand, if it’s being told to you, it is not being told for you to tell others. It is being told for advice, structure and help. Someone is taking notice of their situation and they want an opinion from an outside source. So who are you to take that trust and violate it all to have a conversation with the next? It is so sad to me that people still to this day don’t take notice to the facts; there aren’t too many real friends anymore. If this friend is talking about someone to you, mark my words that that friend is speaking to someone else towards you. It seems to be the way of the world; people are so worried about the wrong things and not noticing themselves walking down their own hill. I am one who observes, I like to take notice of the people I surround myself with because rather we like it or not in some way they reflect us. With all this being said, my circle is small. I probably have three friends that I call friends yet still I keep my eyes open. I don’t do too much with the family anymore, there was just too many faces on one individual, so let’s do the math; way too many problems.  Now days I just pay attention and advise the ones who are clueless to the situation in front of them. We have to live our life and keeping bad company doesn’t help. So to improve yourself you have to improve your surroundings. Let the talker do what they do best, talk. Just steer clear and you will know exactly who they are because they seem to always have a story to tell. I’ve learned a way around them, every time  someone starts telling me about so and so or what so and so got going on I simply say this to each remark “Oh, well they are grown and have to live and walk their own path, they’ll be alright.” And I leave it at just that, who am I to judge?

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