Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A lot of folks now days are overly depressed; what for, life is so beautiful. Remember if your not liking your situation then make a change. The choice is yours...

Friday, September 20, 2013


I don’t know about you but I am enjoying the facts of aging. It enhances so much more then your number. Maturity is beyond standard; your words gain more loyalty. Your experience level has increase so you are able to enlighten the ones that follow. Just this bit has me excited about the years to come. So to all of the women who are going backwards with the years need to take the time to understand the cycle of life. Seriously, what was so wonderful about 25? If I recall it I was walking away from a horrible relationship, I was finally becoming the strong woman I knew I was. My relationships with those around me were becoming better in a respectable way. Anything before that wasn’t something to be proud of and anything that’s to come after that is something I will grow from or overcome in many ways. Surely I will embrace my aging and enjoy the wisdom that comes with it as well. I have no desire for going backwards when my future holds the keys to success which stands in front of me not behind me.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The key to life is to enjoy what ever it is your doing, regardless if you don't.  Don't allow something or someone to steal your joy...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The cause of being Unhappy

To me the cause of being unhappy is being at a place in life that you do not want to be. Although, you may need to be in such an area for the moment in time. Instead of taking that to consideration we get lost and stuck in a moment that was always meant to pass. So for those who do not know when it is time to change route and leave a moment in your past. It is time when you start to feel unhappy, when your views of a situation are allowing you to realize that what is going on around you is some BS, then you may want to be finding an exit door. There are no use nor will the loyalty become any stronger when you are in an unhappy place. We have to find out what is missing and feed our void that we are hungry for.

Being the Other Woman…

Being the other woman is a task of its on, many times women just fall into it. Not knowing that there is someone already in the picture. Unknowingly placing trust into an undeserving man, falling into a cycle yet unknown all in the name of love. Then there are other times in which being the other woman is a title well known. Persistently in search of men who are in a relationship. The facts to this are to keep them from wanting more. Giving them a reason to why they can not stay the night. Being able to have what you want without making a commitment to what you don’t. There are multiple reasons that come alone with this title but the one fact that stays the same. The other woman is not at all responsible for the men they encounter. A commitment was made between the two partners not the invited guest. So instead of hating or looking down at the other women, yet madly still in love with the issue. Individuals need to take a better perspective of their partners; in giving them what they are missing that made them look else where. Or walking away because cheating once could lead to cheating twice and such an individual is not worth the time. Just know we go through situations for a reason, so in some cases the other woman could just be the sign you need to make it to the man that was created for you. Take notice of your situations, you should not have to compete with any other women nor should you be mad when they catch hold to your problems: let him go.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013


This word has become a term of the past. Discipline is now a way of life that we try to avoid. Rather at home, school, daycare or even out in public; our children are not being discipline and lead to the proper ways of structure in everyday life. They all are handed over this improper way of thinking, that everything is free. Alternatively, that you do not have to work for what you want. Just sit about and relax and that someone will hand it to you. Then that someone comes, willingly and easily handing over what that child has not worked for. A lesson that that child has not learned with the process of receiving. We as parents are overwhelmed with the responsibility of killing ourselves to better our children or should I say to give them what we feel we did not have. So in reality we are stepping back with giving in, not disciplining, not wanting to see them unhappy or trying to blankly keep up with the Jones all to say that “your children have it.” In the result, our children have no structure; they are weak to sacrifices, depressed in their minds and unable to withstand the storms of life. They crowd in their problems because they were never giving the opportunity to solve them on their own, or we as parents find ways to clean up their messes instead of standing back and giving them the ability to figure it out and if all else fails, we are here to support. Then that one day comes and we are gone, because we all are just passing through and now they are helpless. No one is going to baby a man, or strengthen a woman like his or her parents. So instead of making more generations of unwilling, motivate less men and women we need to step back, discipline our children. Who cares what the next person has to say. Are they raising your child? Will your child’s life be a reflection of them? Did they birth your child? Will they be near when problems occur? Therefore, they cannot speak on your children behalf. We are not their friends, nor is that a job title we should be fighting for. We are their leaders and guilders, their role models and providers. We have full control to the structure of who they will be when our job is near completion. We need to spend more time creating, nurturing, speaking and guiding our children from the ways of the world. We cannot throw them off due to our jobs. You can give a job twenty years of your life, they will let you go in a day without thinking twice, and in twenty years of blowing off your child, you lost so much from something that going to be there always. So why not place that much energy into a life, not a job that has no room to become a career. We need to start now at the best ages of learning (toddlers). Stop being scared of becoming your father or mother. I use to feel and say the same thing “I do not want to be like my mother.” Nevertheless, guess what I am who I am because of my parents rather good or bad; there was a lesson learned in the raising of me. It is time to go back to the granny days, where you would receive a smack in the mouth at any giving time. Where you would think twice to speak, to sit around adults as they are speaking. Priorities are changing and our children are failing, lets get it together…

Monday, September 2, 2013

Make it Happen...

Trying something new to finish off the remainder of the year and this solely is a one person march, so hopefully folks want assume that it means more then what it does. On a mission and there is no more time left for playing. Success is giving to those who work for it.