Sunday, August 11, 2013


Today has been a long day, regardless to how beautiful it may have been. When you are missing someone it can change the mood of a beautiful sun. It can affect the light to a clear arising. Missing someone can stop the wind before its breeze makes it near your cheek. It can bring shades to your eyes and loneliness to your heart. Or is it just the feeling we choose to take because in life we all have choices rather big or small but we do have a choice. We have the choice to take the bad and to find a speck within it to bring ourselves to the light. We have the choice to accept the wrong and to dwell onto its appetite, which is never full. Many may not think that we have such choices but in reality we do. The choice is ours to make noting into something. The way we think is the way we live and if we cannot control our minds then we cannot mediate in our emotions which end up to not allowing ourselves to being able to control our feelings…

We are our own power, and although at times it feels good to soak in your pain. We have to as human beings accept the cards we have been dealt and play them to our best ability. Who knows, our next hand may be that pair we need to get to the next step. So clear your cards out of your hands and allow your deals to keep on coming until you get your pair.

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